BlogBug Tracking tool

Beyond the Basics: Bug Report Template for Complex Issues

Written by Siddhita Upare
Published on May 12th, 2024

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Think about the difference between a basic and complex bug. A basic bug might be a typo in a button label – it's obvious and easy to fix. Complex bugs, though, are trickier. They might only happen under specific conditions, involve multiple parts of the software, or cause confusing symptoms.

For these complex issues, a standard bug report isn't enough. Developers need more clues and context to pinpoint the problem. That's where an advanced bug report template comes in. It's like giving your developers a powerful searchlight to cut through the complexity. You can save them time and ensure the right fix gets implemented.

If you want to understand how an advanced bug report template can help you, read on!

Why Do You Need an Advanced Bug Report Template

Detailed bug reports are always important, but an advanced template becomes essential for complex software issues. It's the difference between providing a vague problem description and handing your developers a roadmap. Here's why:

  1. Faster and More Accurate Fixes: A detailed report gives developers the data to reproduce the bug and understand the root cause. This eliminates guesswork and time-consuming back-and-forth communication.
  2. Identifying Tricky and Unpredictable Bugs: Some bugs are sneaky and only appear under particular conditions. An advanced template helps you capture every detail of the environment and user actions, so these hard-to-find problems can be replicated and squashed.
  3. Improved Developer-Tester Collaboration: A well-structured template keeps everyone on the same page. Developers understand the exact problem, and testers can provide the right information from the start.
  4. Better Understanding of Impact: Complex bugs can have ripple effects. An advanced report lets you describe the severity and scope of the issue. You can understand how it directly impacts the user experience. This helps prioritize fixes effectively.

The Advanced Bug Report Template

This advanced template gives you the maximum information to track down and fix complex problems efficiently.

It's divided into six key sections:

  • Essential Information: Basic details to identify the bug and its severity.
  • Detailed Description: Steps to reproduce the issue and the expected vs. actual behavior.
  • Environment: Specifications of all hardware and software involved.
  • Supporting Materials: Screenshots, videos, and technical logs.
  • Additional Context: Helps developers grasp the bug's frequency, impacts, and any related problems.
  • Status and Updates: Track the bug's lifecycle and enable collaboration.

Essential Information

Bug Title: Short, clear, and specific (e.g., "Login Form - Incorrect Error Message for Invalid Password")

Unique Bug ID: Automatically generated for tracking.

Date/Time Reported: When the bug was first discovered.

Reporter Name: Your name or identifier.


  • Critical (Blocks core functionality)
  • High (Major impact on usability)
  • Medium
  • Low (Minor issue)


  • Urgent (Needs immediate fix)
  • High
  • Medium
  • Low

Detailed Description

Summary: A concise explanation of the problem.

Steps to Reproduce: Clear steps a developer can follow to consistently recreate the bug.

Expected Result: Describe the intended correct behavior of the system.

Actual Result: Describe what the system actually does, including any specific error messages.


Operating System: (Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android, etc.). Include specific versions.

Browser: (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, etc.) and version.

Device: (If applicable: Desktop, laptop, specific smartphone/tablet model, etc.).

Screen Resolution: (If relevant to the bug).

Relevant Software: List other potentially conflicting software or required plugins.

Supporting Materials

Screenshots: Capture the unexpected behavior clearly.

Video Recordings: Show the exact steps and issue (especially for hard-to-reproduce bugs).

Console Logs/Network Traces: (For more technical analysis by developers).

Additional Context (Optional but helpful)

Frequency: How often the bug occurs (always, sometimes, etc.).

Workaround: Any temporary solutions, if found.

Impact on User Experience: How heavily this bug disrupts the user's workflow.

Related Bugs: Links to other reports potentially connected to this issue.

Status and Updates

Status: (New, Open, Assigned, In Progress, Resolved, Closed, etc.). Track life cycle.

Assignee: Developer responsible for fixing it.

Comments: Notes from testers/developers for collaboration and updates.

How to Use the Advanced Bug Report Template in ruttl

ruttl's bug-tracking tool streamlines finding, reporting, and fixing errors on your website or app. You can leverage the advanced bug report template within the platform to provide your development team with the maximum detail needed to resolve issues quickly. Here's the process:

  1. Install the ruttl plugin: Add the ruttl code snippet to your website to enable the visual commenting interface.
  2. Activate and Report: Click the ruttl pill on your live site. Report bugs directly on the page with comments and mirror the sections of your advanced template (description, steps to reproduce, etc.). Screenshots and videos are automatically captured.
  3. Track and Collaborate: Each bug report becomes a ticket on your ruttl dashboard. Assign developers, set priorities and deadlines, and use the built-in chat for real-time team discussions.
  4. Integrate with Jira and More (optional): Connect ruttl with popular tools like Jira, Trello, Asana, and others to sync updates with your existing workflow.

Here are the key benefits of using ruttl's bug tracking:

  1. Clear and Contextual: Report bugs precisely where they occur on your website.
  2. Enhanced Reporting: Follow the advanced template structure for detailed bug reports that speed up resolution.
  3. Collaborative Workflow: Assign tasks, track progress, and communicate directly on bug tickets.
  4. Mobile Compatible: Collect and report bugs directly on your mobile app.
  5. Save Time: Replace lengthy back-and-forth emails and vague descriptions with visual, actionable reports.

Wrapping Up

Adopting an advanced bug report template might feel like a bit of extra work initially. But consider this: the time you spend providing clear and comprehensive bug reports is time you save on frustrating miscommunications, endless email threads, and delayed fixes.

Complex bugs drain resources and leave both your team and users unhappy. An advanced template transforms bug reporting from a source of headaches into a powerful tool that helps you deliver a smooth, error-free experience for everyone.

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