BlogDesign and Development

Design Fix: Tips To Improve Feedback Loops

Written by Siddhita Upare
Published on April 29th, 2022

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Designers must understand feedback loops if they wish to create impactful user experiences. Feedback not only helps in saving time and resources but also creates failure-proof designs.

Most of the time, feedback loops are not so apparent, so designers need to keep studying data, observe the real world and look at design problems with fresh perspectives.

In terms of design, feedback loops are staged across action, effect and feedback. For example, an action could be a user finishing a task using your digital product; an effect could be that they saved time doing so and the feedback could be they being appreciated that.

Understanding feedback loops help designers gauge their products, test ideas and prevent drastic design failures.

Looking forward to improving feedback loops for your design process? Follow these quick tips:

Analyze the Data

Research can provide you with a lot of data which helps you understand user behaviour and feedback loops. Whether you are designing a website or a product, this data could support your metrics study and make your products stand out.

Go for Usability Testing

User interviews are crucial to understanding how your designs would work in real-life. So, make the most use of data and user interviews by using empathy maps. Empathy maps are nothing but feedback loops which make you think, feel, see and hear like users.

Focus on the Questions

As a designer, you solve common problems and streamline your users' lives. To keep doing so, you must keep these problem statements in mind:

  • How long would it take to solve this design issue?
  • Can I interact with the design components?
  • Is my design working?

Feedback loops are incredibly helpful. By following these tips, you would be able to make the most of them and ace your design projects.

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