
Simplify Web Projects With The New Page Approval Feature!

Written by Siddhita Upare
Published on July 6th, 2021

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Collaborations are necessary to ensure any project's success. Especially when you are creating a website from scratch and have deadlines to meet. With design, development, content teams involved in the process, website creation presents its own set of challenges.

Think about having to go through multiple stages of internal approvals. Then there's a new set of approvals that you need to take from the clients. That's a whole lot of time that you would need to invest. How about simplifying the approval process within your teams with the help of Ruttl?

Having faced this challenge first hand while creating websites for clients at Brucira, we have streamlined it by launching the new Page Approval Feature on Ruttl!

What's this New Feature All About?

You would have multiple teams working to create a website. For every change that anyone makes, everyone needs to be informed or has to be kept on the same page, right?

But then finally who would decide whether the final changes are good to present to the client or not? Because everyone might just have different opinions! Imagine, so much of your team's time would go to finalize the feedback on live website. The project might never meet the deadline!

So, here's presenting Ruttl's all-page approval feature.

Make Approvals Easy on Ruttl

Using the page approval feature, you can assign an approver for your website. They would take the final call for giving a go ahead for any change. Post that, you could send that final version of the website to the client. This way, you and your team would save a lot of time!

More importantly, the page approval feature would bring more clarity to the process of website creation. As a visual feedback tool, Ruttl would let the approver see all the changes, comments, feedbacks and quickly take a call to approve or reject it.

Highlights of the Page Approval feature

You could always invite people from your team to collaborate on Ruttl. We took it a step ahead - you could make anyone from the team an approver now! When you make someone an approver from your team, they can approve webpages in the project.

Once the approver approves or green flags any webpage(s), the rest of the teammates can no longer comment or make edits on those specific webpage(s). That way, you would bring more clarity to the entire project.

But fret not! In case you wish to unapprove a page, or even change the approver, you could do that at any time.

As a project owner, you would always have a say in deciding who the approver is! If there’s confusion, you could change the approver at any time, or even become the approver yourself and take things back to where they were - simple!

How to use the feature

Please note that only a project owner can assign an approver. You can do so in the share screen modal by clicking on the badge in front of the member’s profile.

Once an approver is selected, he/she can simply go to any webpage and click on the button of ‘Mark approved’ in the bottom bar. They can also unapprove the webpage to allow for more comments and edits.

To remove this member as an approver, the project owner can simply click on their profile badge again, or click on the cross next to the ‘Approver’ tag. Repeat the above steps to make someone else as an approver.

To learn more about this feature update, make sure to check out our tutorial video on youtube down below!

Curious to try out this new feature on the fastest visual feedback tool? What’s stopping you then? Go ahead and check it on Ruttl now!

Apart from this new feature, you could also inspect CSS, comment on live website, review live website, leave feedback on live web using Ruttl! Sign up your team on it to try all of them out.

Do follow us on LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter to know more about website design feedback, design tips and hacks!

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